Weston Favell Primary School Spring 2023
Three new songs, written by Year 5 pupils from Weston Favell Primary School, Northampton, UK.
Our Unique, Safe, Beautiful, World – Lings Primary School
Here's the latest song written and performed by Year 3 pupils from Lings Primary School, Northampton, UK.
Weston Favell Autumn 2022
Three new songs, written and recorded by pupils from Weston Favell Primary School, Northampton, UK
Brixworth Anti-Bullying Group 2022
Here are three songs written and recorded by the Anti-Bullying Group from Brixworth CEVC Primary School, UK
Youngest Notivate Group
Here is "The Friendship Song" written and recorded by Year 3 pupils from Lings Primary School, Northampton, UK - the youngest group ever to take part in the Notivate Singer/Songwriter Programme!
Thrapston Bully Busters 2022
Here are two songs written and recorded by the latest "Bully Busters" from Thrapston Primary School.
Notivate South Gloucestershire – Summer 2022
Songs written and recorded onsite as part of South Gloucestershire Council's HAF Programme Summer 2022
20 Years of Notivate: 2002-2022
On 24th July 2022 we celebrated our 20th Birthday. Since 2002 we have helped over 7,000 young people from 140 schools and youth groups to write and record more than 1,700 songs & music videos. Here are 20 pictures/videos we wanted to share to celebrate this...
Kingsley Primary School Summer 2022
Here's a 9-track album of songs written and recorded by all Year 4 students from Kingsley Primary School, Northampton, UK.
Lings Primary School Summer 2022
Here are the latest songs from Lings Primary School, Northampton. All written and recorded by Year 4 pupils, as part of the Notivate Singer/Songwriter Programme.