Latest Charity News:
Antibullying Songwriting Competition Winners
Winners Redwell Antibullying Ambassadors Many congratulations, from everyone at The Notivate Trust.For more information and photos from this wonderful evening, click here:
Antibullying Songwriting Competition Final
Kingsley Primary School Year 4 Summer 2023
12 new songs, written and recorded by Year 4 pupils from Kingsley Primary School, Northampton, UK.
Friends Never Give Up – Lings Primary School
"Friends Never Give Up" by Year 3 pupils from Lings Primary School, Northampton, UK.
Youngest Notivate Group
Here is "The Friendship Song" written and recorded by Year 3 pupils from Lings Primary School, Northampton, UK - the youngest group ever to take part in the Notivate Singer/Songwriter Programme!
Thrapston Bully Busters 2022
Here are two songs written and recorded by the latest "Bully Busters" from Thrapston Primary School.
Notivate South Gloucestershire – Summer 2022
Songs written and recorded onsite as part of South Gloucestershire Council's HAF Programme Summer 2022
Notivate Uganda Back On The Road
We’re so pleased to announce that the Notivate Uganda team has started working in schools again. Here they are helping students at Lake Shore Junior School and Arise Junior School, composing songs about the impact of Covid-19.
Notivate Trust’s 15th Birthday
July 2020 Update
During the past few months, we have moved all our activities online. Here's a brief summary of what we've been getting up to... Thanks to funding provided by The Notivate Trust, to date we've uploaded 20+ songs, all written and recorded during...